Embodied Self Awareness 
An Energized and Enlivened Body

Embodied Attunement   
Empowerment through Embodiment

 What is Soma Life Coaching?

Soma Life Coaching is an interactive, online program created by Carolyn Kutsko, PhD. We help our coaches master somatics, emotional wellness, mindfulness, nutrition, fitness, time management, financial planning, and habit transformation. Over the next seven months, you will develop the confidence and skills necessary to guide your clients from resistance, fear and shame into confidence, embodiment and empowerment.

Once you obtain your Soma Life Coaching certificate, you will unlock the opportunity to offer any of our six wellness courses to your clients. You can use them to supplement your individual coaching sessions or incorporate them into your group coaching sessions.

The Labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to ones path towards wholeness. A journey to our center and then back out into the world.                                                              

 Is this course for you?

Do you have a background in health, wellness, bodywork, mindfulness, or somatics?
Are you a therapist interested in incorporating Somatics and Holistic Wellness into your practice?
Are you a Life or Health Coach wanting to expand your ability to create lasting transformation?

Soma Life Coach® training will equip you to offer Somatic Coaching in combination with six cutting edge holistic wellness courses.
Soma Wellness Courses
• Soma Life Coaches® offer Wellness Courses to their own clients (see courses below).
• Courses offered through e-Learning interactive platform 
• Course content is vibrant and interactive including audio, video, graphics, logs, and worksheets.
• Courses offer opportunity for clients to interact with their instructor at end of each chapter.
• Soma Coaches® can offer courses online only, online with live support, and through workshops, retreats, and seminars.

Soma Wellness Courses

Soma Healing

Increase present-moment awareness and emotional calm

Learn process to work through emotional distress Identify and transform damaging coping patterns

Consistently move toward experiencing your confident, centered and vibrant self

Soma Movement

Get motivated to move!

Discover the impact of exercise and breathing on emotion health

Specific guidance and videos offered for building muscle strength & stretching postures (yoga)

Use breathe to calm anxiety and increase mindfulness

Soma Nutrition

Transform shame-based unconscious eating with mindful nurture eating Learn a whole-foods enlivening approach to nutrition

Create a "True to You" Meal plan that works with your lifestyle

Learn recipes and food preparation tools to set you up for success

Soma Planning

Learn a life planning system to reduce stress, increase productivity & life balance, and improve relationships

Using customized goal setting and weekly planning worksheets or digital APP, learn to design your life and days based upon your gifts, values, and passions

With help from your coach and the system presented, you will find time for what matters most to you

Soma habits

Learn cognitive behavioral tools to transform any habit

Name and identify what triggers your behaviors

Learn to tame the urge and reduce the compulsive movement toward the behavior

Focus on framing the real result of your choices and desired outcomes you up for success

Soma finances

 Do you need to get debts payed off? Build a nest egg in case of an unexpected event? Save for a vacation? Then you'll need to know at least three things. How much do you have coming in? (Income) How are you spending it? (Expenses) How much are you left with? (Savings) Once you know these numbers you will be able to decide what you need to do to reach your financial goal.