Soma Life Coaching -- Six Coaching Modules

Soma healing

build emotional strengths

1st Week of Month: Soma Healing

Soma Nourishment

aware eating (food peace)

4th week of Month: Soma Food Freedom

Soma Habits

Transform Habits

2nd Week of Month: Soma Habits

Soma Fitness

Transform Habits

5th Week of Month: Soma Fitness

Soma Planning

purposeful planning

3rd week of Month: Soma Planning

Soma Finance

purposeful planning

6th week of Month: Soma Finance

Group Coaching -
Affordable & Life changing

Group Coaching: EVERY WEEK, join a cohort of learners on Sunday eve Zoom call to kick off the week. Learn on your own during the week with webinars and online course and then join Dr. Kutsko and others at end of week for group class and wrap up. In one month you will experience real tools, real support, and real change!

Includes: Online Interactive Course with 4 Webinars per course.
PLUS Live ZOOM Group.

Soma Healing  - First week of every month
Soma Habits - Second week of every month
Soma Planning - Third week of every month
Soma Nourishment - Fourth week of every month

Each week, webinars are sent out on Monday through Thursday and then on Friday, Join Dr. Kutsko and others for live support and group processing on group zoom call. Replays available. Return to online course anytime for review and to access worksheets and logs.
Soma fitness and finance are only offered in coaching packages and one-on-one coaching.

Soma Cycle free webinar is per-requisite for all groups. Click here to listen:
$50 for one Wellness Course (includes online course, 4 webinars and one zoom group)
$150 for all four.
Once you have paid you will receive access to online course(s), daily webinars, and zoom invite.

Individual Coaching
Add one-on-one support to any Soma Wellness Course at any time.
$100 per 45 Soma Cycle session
$350 for package of 4 sessions

Group and Individual Combined Package
One Wellness Topic: $175
Receive, webinars, online course, zoom group
Two half hour one-on-one coaching sessions with Certified Soma Life Coach.

All Inclusive Package -- All Six Topics: $1200  (save $100)
(includes 12 1/2 hour coaching sessions (two per course), all courses through coassemble learning dashboard, webinars, and live groups.

5 minute Webinar Mon-Thurs.
Live Zoom Process group on Friday

Soma Wellness Series
