Wellness Support
Weekday Webinars & Weekend Group

build emotional strengths

1st Week of Month: Soma Healing

Week 2
Soma Habits

Transform Habits

2nd Week of Month: Soma Habits

Week 4
Soma Planning

purposeful planning

3rd week of Month: Soma Planning

Week 3
Soma Food Freedom

aware eating (food peace)

4th week of Month: Soma Food Freedom

Wellness Support
Wellness Webinars & Zoom Groups

Soma Wellness topics rotate weekly.

First week of Month: Soma Healing
Second week of Month: Soma Habits
Third week of Month: Soma Food Freedom
Fourth week of Month: Soma Planning

Each week, webinars are sent out on Monday through Thursday and then on the Friday,  Dr. Kutkso offers a live support and process group on the weeks topic from Noon - 1:00.
Zoom Groups
Zoom groups are offered on Fridays and provide q & A w Dr. Kutsko on the topic of the week combined with group support and processing.
$50 for one Wellness Course (includes 4 webinars and one zoom group)
$150 for all four

Once you have paid you will receive webinars and zoom invite for upcoming group. These are sent on weeks each topic is offered. For example, if it is the first week of the month, you will receive webinars for emotional strength.

5- 10 minute Webinar everyday
Mon-Thurs. Live Zoom Process group on 12 Noon CST

Four Wellness Courses offered Monthly

Choose Option